Saturday, March 24, 2018

Leave Not Thy Place

-Thomas the apostle was mid way down the list of apostles and clearly the most significant (in terms of recorded history) were named first and the least liked was named last.
-Thomas was named after the resurrection of Jesus a number of times, but the order he was named in changed
-Where God names us and the order of significance he gives us is important. We cannot say we don't need each other
-However, we do say we don't need the position God has given us and therefore forfeit the power therein and the opportunity to be promoted.
-We feel abandoning our post will accomplish something
-what God has for me it is for me.


John 20:19-29
Genesis 40:1-5, 13-14 41:8-9
John 21:1-4
Romans 8:38-39
Ecclesiastes 10:4

Sermon sequence

1. The two causes of forfeiting our position... highs and lows.
       -God's given you a part, and he can change your name to fit that part
       -We feel abandoning our post will accomplish something
       -Thomas wasn't there the first time and then tried to dictate the terms of his faith
2. We need storage of God's word to make it through the temptation to leave our position
       -But when God does speak, you need to go into sponge mode
       -Sometimes we were collecting things in storage when we didn't realize what it was for
       -Why did God have to tell Joseph twice that his brothers would humble themselves to him?
3. Jesus' resurrection was for us to believe and be renewed/upgraded in belief
4. We can find ourselves back-slidden, but we need to remember our position and God will resurrect us to it.
*Palm Sunday is God saying, this place is mine and I haven't abdicated off the throne
*It's time you told the Lord "I haven't forgotten you and I remember what you have for me to do"