Monday, October 24, 2016

Making the point

Acts 19:1-10,14-16,23-28
John 1:15,19-27
-We need to know there are some areas of our faith that need work
-There are places God is looking to go in our lives, and he takes the humble way to get there
-Even hearing a sermon, there is a overtaking that has to go on that God has to do to prevail upon our hearts.
-Our confidence in everything contrary to God has to be broken down (vain imaginations)
-Sometimes we've made the point and we're still spending our time trying to get extra credit
-John the baptist said "this is he... of whom"
-Rome couldn't handle what was inside what they conquered
-The slave girl mad the point to Naaman the leper

  • speak to the rock
  • speak to the devil
  • speak to the challenge

1. highlight the significance of the area and even the epistle
2. Place it in the context of Paul's missionary journeys
3. When we speak we want to make the point
4. The anointing the Paul had to make the point is available for you today
