Sunday, January 24, 2016

John 12:1-50 Scheduled Tasks/Commands

John 12:1,3,7,8,10-15,20-23,27-30,32,35,37-38,49-50
Acts 10:13-15
Daniel 6:8-18

-God has determined what he would like to have done in your life long before you do it.
-There are many reasons God has given you a task
-Once God has given you a command, he cannot reverse it.
-When God gives us a task, he gives us the ability to do it.
-Sometimes we'd like to hurry up and do a command, but it is scheduled
-We of ourselves will not obey God's commandments.
-He has to drive us, so we must ask God to drive us to do his will, it is not that it intellectually will make sense.
-when we issue commands, we need to be assured there are good reasons to do what we have said
-some things are trying to command us that we need to resist (go steal, then you'll be rich)

John 12:1-50
-Mary was under command to anoint Jesus, it was for his burial that was coming up
-The fragrance of Jesus' resurrection drew admirers from Israel and Greece. the met him with palm branches. He sits on an ass according to scripture which we fulfill by following God's command and schedule.
-Jesus asked the crowd if he should ask the Father to spare him going through the crucifixion.But he said no, the crucifixion is why I was born.
-The a voice from heaven came to show others that Jesus was real and his mission real.
-Jesus marvels that many still don't believe but even that was fulfilment of scripture found in Isaiah.
-At the end of the Chapter, Jesus gives credit for his ministry and mission to the Father, alerting people to the fact they are really rejecting God when they reject him. He finishes by stating that what the Father commands leads to eternal life (thus comforting Jesus concerning his death.

*the Daniel scripture is to highlight how God's commands cannot be reversed, but God can still help us with the commandment.
*The Acts sripture is to highlight how God's commands can be distasteful to us, and that even so they a timed perfectly to save people.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Coordinated Salvation, serving scattered sheep

-Your salvation is coordinated, the spirit has come on you in unlikely circumstances to show you its not you coordinating you salvation.
-Jesus is mostly dealing with Moses and Abraham in John as it applies to his identity but here it is hailing back to David

John 10:1-18,25-33,39-42
1 Kings 1:11-16
Ezekiel 34:23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

-I don't want to give off that this is the definitive view on this text, it is only what God has impressed me with this time around reading it.
-The shepherd has all sorts of things to do to keep the sheep and he needs coordination rather than gainsaying
-with every I statement, Jesus is trying to form and identify a relationship instead of promoting himself
-We must understand the shepherd as it applies to the role of a king especially as we see it in David
-coming before Jesus doesn't refer to the prophets, it refers to those that did not point people to his coming.
-John the baptist appears to be the porter (v. 41)
-Door: a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard
-Is Jesus your barrier or your way in 
-Yes, we have a cloak and dagger way of functioning and therefore we are not coordinated
-John was the remission of sins, Jesus was eternal life
-Many people Believed on Jesus by tracing the life of John, but also in that they got away from those that were in stubborn disbelief. Many times we would believe God if we just got away from stubborn folks.
-when we are uncoordinated, we are off and start making poor decisions.
-But God can reconcile our poor decisions back to himself and coordinate us again
-What has God given you to keep, you must be coordinated if you'll keep it
-As a good shepherd you will lay your life down for the sheep. that is the price of good leadership.
-how low can you go.
-He is looking for you to bring it to life... full term... bring forth
-the woman didn't ask for a son... but God gave it to her to bring to life